Units 23229 & 15757

Working with a static line.

Fire and Safety Training have excellent facilities for height safety training at both our Timaru and Napier sites.   We can train outdoors on our tower, or indoors on our strategically designed climbing challenges.

23229: Use a safety harness for personal fall prevention when working at height

This unit is for everyone who works at heights.  We start with  classroom discussion and demonstration to ensure you  are familiar with the equipment and safe techniques.  We then move to a practical session where you’ll wear your harness, perform tasks using tools and test your rescue plan.

All courses can be tailored to suit any working at height situations.

23229 is a pre-requisite for unit 15757

15757: Use, install and disestablish proprietary fall arrest systems when working at height.

People who need to set up fall arrest systems to work safely need this unit.  It is practical training so you learn correct techniques and procedures for setting up, checking and working with fall arrest systems. Being suspended in a harness is dangerous, so rescue plans are planned and demonstrated during the course.

Units 23229 and 15757 are each  full day courses, or both can be delivered together over a two day course.

Our help and support doesn’t stop when you walk out the door at the end of the course: our trainers are always only a phone call away.

Refresher courses are required every two years, and these are a half day for each unit.

We can also deliver the following working at height units:

17600 Explain safe practices for working at height

25045 Employ height safety equipment in the workplace

19359 Identify, inspect and maintain height safety equipment