Coffee Shouts

F&ST is is glad to offer coffees every week to The Breeze weekly coffee shout.  One of the teams drawn this month was these hard working folk  who are building our soon to be opened CPlay.  It looks like good fun for all ages!

The Playful side of F&ST

The F&ST team know that play is as important as work, so they’ve donated $10,000 to CPlay, the awesome new playground to be built at Caroline Bay.  We know this will be a benefit to all the families in South Canterbury.

Here’s Gordon (the boss) and two of his grandchildren handing over the big cheque to OJ and Leanne, two of the team who are driving this project. 

Traffic light system

F&ST is now operating within the guidelines of the Covid-19 Protection Framework. 
From 1 January 2022, valid vaccination passes will be required for all trainees coming to F&ST sites.  

You can read our detailed guidelines for operating under the Traffic light system here.

Might you come across asbestos in your work?

We can now offer two units related to working with asbestos.

30596 Demonstrate knowledge of asbestos and safety measures for asbestos-related work.  This unit is for people whose work may bring them into contact with asbestos

2138 Demonstrate knowledge of asbestos and safety procedures. This is for people who work in the construction industry who need to know the safety procedures to follow when asbestos is present. 

Contact us to discuss these courses.

Another first for F&ST

Gordon has carried out F&ST’s first distance learning session.  From Timaru, using Microsoft Team, he trained a group in Auckland (the first of several such groups) in handling consumer commodities. 

A truck loaded

A truck loaded with consumer commodities.


Fire & Safety Training have been sponsoring The Rock’s ‘Takeaway Tuesday’ where hardworking folk in local businesses are surprised by several boxes of tempting pizzas. Here’s some of the staff at Total Automotive and Bleeker & Weith who’ve enjoyed the treat recently.

Covid-19 update: May 2019

Under Alert level 2 we are offering our full range of training.

We can assure our clients all appropriate health and safety measures, and full compliance with the NZ Government requirements are in place. 

Our health and safety policy for working during this time can be found here

Full and refresher training courses are available, with class numbers limited to enable social distancing.  

We are back travelling to client sites to train workplace groups. 

Changes to WES for Gas detectors

F&ST has been working on updating gas detectors to comply with the recent changes to the workplace exposure standards (WES) released by WorkSafe NZ in December 2019 (edition 11). 

Changes include the following:

  • Hydrogen Sulphide 
    WES-TWA changed to 5 ppm
    WES-STEL changed to 10 ppm
  • Sulphur Dioxide
    WES-TWA removed
    WES-STEL 0.25 ppm


Live fire fighting

Last month we trained an enthusiastic team of recruits to Silver Fern Farm’s Emergency Response Team. They will be an asset to their company.  Check out our facebook page for more images and details.

Live hot fire training at SFF ERT course

Live fire fighting a recent recruits course for SFF’s Emergency Response Team.

Who is the orange man?

Gas suit testing today.  This one passed.

This orange man is a gas suit that’s just passed its annual test. Good to go now.

Taonga in Napier

Ali, our  North Island Manager with the beautiful Korowai presented by the Ahuriri Maori Wardens.  They will add their beauty and dignity to the entrance to our Napier campus.

Ali, our North Island Manager with donated Korowai.

Come and admire the view

F&ST Timaru’s revamped climbing structure for practical height training is now in action – and it’s great.  Trainers and trainees are loving the multiple options for realistic height scenarios.  And the view from the top is amazing (if you have your harness on)!

Practical scenarios for US 23229

Train the trainers in Sydney


Nathan and Ian have been in Sydney this week updating their skills and trying out new technology for safe rope access work.

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